Retired Lancashire Police dogs
About Us
Did you know that when a Police Dog is retired from active service (for whatever reason) they do not receive any financial support or pension?
Police dogs are often retired ahead of schedule due to being injured protecting their handler.They are an integral part of operational Policing within Lancashire and provide an invaluable service to our County.
Most of our Lancashire Police Dogs generally retire to their handler who then has to take over all financial responsibilities , In some cases a dog is retired at a young age due to illness or injuries sustained and then veterinary and drugs bills can be very heavy and cause heart-searching decisions for a handler who may well have more than one Police dog.
The Retired Police Dogs Benevolent fund has been established to assist handlers and adopters where neccesary so that the dog can stay with the family it knows and trusts.
We are a small group of volunteers who have a passion for the welfare of animals, most of the commitee have some connection to Lancashire Constabulary, whether that be as retired officers, handlers, current serving officers or keen fundraisers. Over the years we have been able to assist numerous retried police dogs with the cost of their vetinary expenses ranging from severe illness, minor operations, surgery and ongoing medication to make life as easy as possible for these hard working dogs.
Up to recently we have had to limit our help within Lancashire but we are now extending our support to include retired Lancashire dogs that are adopted out of the county where there is a need. We are also willing to assist any other county interested in setting up a similar scheme for these worthy ‘non pensioned officers’ with four legs.
Anyone interested in our work is welcome to contact any of our members and we are always looking for volunteers! We survive solely on donations, legacies and fund raising events.